Cardigan Welsh Corgi earrings capture the gentle nobility of this 3,000-year-old breed. The nose and eyes bring life to the head of these delightful Cardigan Welsh Corgi earrings. The mighty Cardigan Welsh Corgi jewelry looks off into the distance as if faithfully watching for approaching visitors, be them friend or foe, we can be assured the faithful watchdog Cardi will let its master know well ahead of time. The prominent, well-known Corgi earrings are shown as the breed standard, with rounded alert ears standing at attention, sloping slightly forward but not dropping.
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi earrings go well with matching Cardigan Welsh Corgi pendant.
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi Head earrings look great when paired with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi pendant w/Sheep in body.
- The Cardigan Welsh Corgi earrings can also be worn with other paw print jewelry and our charm holder to display many different dog jewelry pieces at once!