This pendant of a Papillon head is authentically small in stature, slightly rounded and with a fine tapered muzzle. We have worked hard on the details of our Papillon Head charm to do justice and honor this most amazing breed! Notice the dark, round eyes that hint at an alert, curious Papillon expression full of attitude! The true essence of our Pap head pendant is its ears… those unmistakable long fringing, large ears that are rounded at the tips and carried erect to resemble the spread out wings of a beautiful butterfly. After all, Papillon means butterfly in French! You will be proud to wear your Papillon pride with this stunning piece of Papillon jewelry!
- Papillon pendant can be worn with matching Papillon earrings.
- Papillon charm is an attractive gift for any Papillon lover to give or receive!
- Choose this Papillon head jewelry for its elegance and pizzazz, just like the Papillon breed itself.