Our Bichon Frise earrings truly captures the cuteness of this cotton-ball-like canine! It displays the compact body that's standard for the Bichon Frise breed, as well as the arched neck carried proudly behind an erect head. The skull on the Bichon Frise earrings are is slightly rounded, allowing for those forward-looking eyes that are traditionally black, as is its prominent nose. The Bichon Frise earrings also give you a sense of the dog's plush coat, which has a soft and dense undercoat topped with a coarser and curlier texture. Here, it's properly depicted as trimmed to reveal the natural outline of the dog's body and rounded off from every direction, creating an overall powder-puff appearance! The tail on the Bichon Frise earrings is plumed and carried cheerfully over the dog's back, as if to say this Bichon is ready to give its precise pitter-patter trot right into your heart!
- Bichon Frise pendant can be paired perfectly with our Bichon Frise pendant.
- Dog owners of the Bichon Frise breed will find the Bichon Frise charm a beloved Bichon Frise gift for dog lovers.
- Makes sophisticated Bichon Frise bling.