Doberman Pinscher earring follows the Doberman Pinscher standard ideal and resembles a blunt wedge with a long, strong muzzle line for a very striking profile view. The overall impression of our Doberman earrings is elegance! These distinctive Doberman Pinscher earring profile reflect the Dobie's proud neck carriage, flat top of skull and slight stop; all trademarks that give the Dobe that dignified appearance! Our Doberman Pinscher jewelry combines grace and beauty while hinting at power and a muscular form! These Dobe earrings have an outline with hard powerful lines that merge into subtle soft curving contrasts to capture the Doberman Pinscher in all its glory. The attractive details of these Doberman Pinscher earrings will make a stunning gift for people who love Dobes and Dobie bling.
- Doberman Pinscher earrings can be worm with matching Doberman Pinscher pendant.
- Doberman Pinscher earrings are a dramatic and memorable gift for a special dobe lover.
- Doberman Pinscher owners will treasure this piece of working breed jewelry.