You get two for the price of one with our Belgian Sheepdog pendant, which showcases not only the Chien de Berger Beige's brains, but also its beauty. It features our Belgian Sheepdog charm of the dog's elegant profile, highlighting the long and abundant straight hair the Groenendael is celebrated for, particularly like a collarette around the neck. The erect ears are triangular in shape and in proportion to the size of its clean-cut and strong head. Typical of this Belgian Shepherd breed, the eyes and nose are darkened, while the gaze is intelligent and curious: Is she watching the flock, helping the handicapped or ready to play with a faithful family friend?
- Pair the Belgian Sheepdog charm with sweet Belgian Sheepdog earrings.
- Law enforcement, the military and their families will find the Belgian Sheepdog jewelry collection a timeless treasure.
- Sterling Silver Belgian Sheepdog jewelry celebrates the agile playful herding breed and makes a unique piece of jewelry for Belgian Sheepdog lovers.