Lifted high on angel wings the Great Dane is tenderly ferried over the Rainbow Bridge where one day, owner and pet will meet again. Sterling Silver Tears In Heaven [breed] charm holder is carefully crafted with a diamond design to securely carry your favorite Great Dane pendant so that it rests near your heart. Beneath the self-contained leash bail, the protective angel wings are stretched open wide, ready to offer compassion and strength to a Great Dane and owner in need. Three layers of antiqued feathers taper gracefully to the outer edges of the pendant. The delicate antiquing gives the Great Dane memorial pendant a soft, yet powerful appearance. Sterling Silver Tears In Heaven is a pet sympathy gift with an oxidized paw print in the center, offering hope and comfort in a pet owner’s time of sorrow.
- Sterling Silver Tears In Heaven Charm Holder amulet with Great Dane beautifully compliments Great Dane earrings.
- Tears In Heaven Charm Holder with Great Dane is a sympathetic pet bereavement gift for a friend who recently had a pet cross the Rainbow Bridge.
- Give pet keepsake jewelry as a unique pet memorial gift.