When a loved one passes grief can often overwhelm us with such sorrow. We often look for meaning in death and wonder why it was their time to go before us. We look to the sky and wonder if they are looking back down on us and will guide us along the journey without them. Heavenly Heart pendant provides comfort to a grieving heart when a beloved spouse, family member, relative or loved one passes on. Gleaming sterling silver angel wing necklace is raised to the heavens nestled into a half puffed heart symbolizing the love coming down from the heavens.
Cherished angel jewelry helps us remember our loved ones from the smallest of moments, smiles, laughter to the big moments and adventures of a lifetime. In life's journey we believe that angels cross our path for a reason as they enter our life when we need them and exit the same way. Keepsake angel necklace may help heal a broken heart during a time of grief.
- Heavenly Heart pendant beautifully pairs with Heavenly Heart earrings.
- Handcrafted memorial jewelry for the loss of a husband, wife or loved one is a thoughtful remembrance gift for a grieving person.
- When the death of a loved one is so hard, find comfort in remembrance angel jewelry gifts.