Our Pug earrings display their square and compact, stocky body which is typically described as a lot of dog in a small space. These Pug earrings show a wide-chested little powerhouse dog that commands attention as the life of the party, whether as a dignified lover or animated clown depending on the mood and needs of their owner and audience. Enjoy these meticulously designed Pug earrings detailed from their squishy, smoosh faces and rose-button ears to their corkscrew, tightly curled tails plus imaginative wrinkles in between.
- Pug earrings can be worn with coordinating Pug pendant.
- These Pug earrings are Puglicious gift for the Pug lover who wants authentic Pug accessories.
- Pug breed designs let you wear your love for the breed with some individual style and Pug bling!